Global Equities

China Pivots and Finally Aims Stimulus at the Source of its Economic Crisis

After three years of incremental measures to manage the fallout from its real estate crisis and stimulate the manufacturing and export-oriented sectors of its economy, China’s central government did a hard pivot and finally began to tackle the root cause of its crisis: an historic collapse in consumer confidence that has shown few signs of recovery since the twin shocks of the COVID-induced shutdown of the country in 2020 and the collapse of its real estate market in 2021

What Happens Next in China?

Our Take on the 20th Party Congress of the Chinese Communist Party Clarity is perhaps the last thing one might expect to emerge from a

A Chinese Flag

Policy Mistakes Trip Chinese Markets

China’s Damaging Lockdowns Are Informed by Hong Kong’s Deadly Experience Stock market routs in China have usually been preceded by policy mistakes and the latest

What Ails Health Care Stocks?

Investors’ re-pricing of the sector seems detached from earnings story Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell signaled a clear change in U.S. monetary policy in testimony